Friday, February 5, 2010

Life, moving along.

So much has happened since my last doctors visit! This coming week I have my second visit coming up! I am looking forward to it and my continued experience with my Italian doctor.

I am proud of myself that I have watched my diet, and have been successfully staying away from yummy, yummy, chocolate.

This week, my three year old begin staying from 8 am to 3:45 pm in his pre-school. So glad the week is almost over! The first day sure was terrible, for me that is. Amazing how much happier he seems, we can see more of a wonderful light in his eyes! He sure enjoys it, I am so happy for him!! It sure gives me more time to work on my projects and clean the house at a slower, more detailed pace.

With a possible full-time job coming my way (I am still keeping my fingers crossed) and the second baby coming soon, my husband and I thought it was time to let the little one have a little more time with his friends.

I still look forward for the arrival of 3:45 so that I can pick him up from school and play a little before he takes his nap. (I was surprised, they do not take naps during the day at his pre-school.) But I sure was not happy the first day, as we arrived home, I was ready to play but he was ready to take a nap!

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  1. how wonderful that you're expecting a little one too ^_^ congratulations! very glad you've had a nice run of things recently! all the best for the future!

  2. Enjoy your new alone time and continued good health to you and your new baby.
