Monday, August 31, 2009

The Art of the Kitchen

After years of concentrating on my career- work and school, I have always been closer to my sewing machine, then the kitchen. Now with over two years of living in Italy I have learned that cooking and eating is an art in itself!

It didn't help any that my husband is a chef and creating in the kitchen is in his blood. Now that I am a stay-at-home mom it has been essential for me to start becoming friends with the kitchen.

It has certainly been an eye-opener living here, the wonderful art of eating is present in every Italian household. First the various course meals, then identifying all the American stereo-types of Italian food.

After living in America all my life I have realized what Italian pizza really is! And no one eats bread with spaghetti, and there is no such thing as spaghetti meatballs in northern Italy.

The Fig Tree

I am mostly learning from my father-in-law, and my husband. (Sometimes I am still intimidated by my husband when he is in the kitchen.) And I can understand when he gets frustrated with me. When we began dating he could always enter my apartment and make an amazing dinner with what was in my fridge!

Now I am starting to try new things! I have always been hesitate to make marmalade, and torta, and dinner in general.

Figs and tomatoes I picked from my father-in-law's garden.

With the abundance of figs and tomatoes in the house I felt it safe to attempt fig marmalade, a fig torta, sun dried tomatoes, and tomato basil soup!

Yes I am starting small, but I am slowly learning, I am on my way of becoming a friend of the kitchen and understanding how eating can be an art!

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Garlic Anyone!

Wow! I had no idea how many people are huge garlic users here in Italy. It is a must have in any Italian kitchen!

Several weekends ago we visited my father-in-law and helped gather the garlic he had grown. I sure felt naive. I was not aware that the head of the garlic is actually the root!

Look at that!

We gathered a whole wheel barrel of garlic! Yummy. I wonder how long our portion will last!

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009


This pubblicità /spot is currently running on TV. I rather enjoy watching it! Take a look:

Friday, August 7, 2009

A Walk Through Town

Yesterday was such a beautiful day I decided to take a walk through Pennabilli, the town we live in.

I can never forget it's wonderful beauty, but sometimes historical meanings tend to be forgotten.

The door pictured, just below the arch way. (Imagine driving through here!)

This is posted next to the door pictured above, it states one of the Popes actually lived at this very home.

A visit by the Dali Lama.

Walls with many years to show.

An enclosed circular window. I wonder what that was for!

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Nature and History

This past weekend we visited a beach! Coming from California, I am still confused about the whole private paying beaches opposed to the free public ones!

We were able to find a lovely spot to spend most of our day!

I was fascinated by this old abandoned building right next to the beach. Wow, I wonder what it had been? Who lived there? What stories of people and the ocean had it seen?

This brick wall lay beside it in the sand. Could it have once been the walls or gate around the building?

I found it intriguing.

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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tree Creature??

Can you guess what this creature is??

I found it in a tree in our yard.

It was climbing and climbing.

It was there for awhile!


It's just Baby (CheChe) our cat!

She was later scared to come down and my husband had to assist her!

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