Wednesday, April 28, 2010

This time around...

.. I think I will try using one of this!

With my first born I was aware of this product, how useful it can be for the little one and the mommy. I just never got around to making or purchasing one.

"Every little one has a need for a nest."

"Boppy. The first nest in the form of an embrace."

This time around I will try it! I wonder if it's the cute advertisment that makes want to try it so much the second time around!

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Beauty of Nature

It makes me so wonderfully happy that the beautiful weather has finally arrived! Walking home this morning from dropping off my little angel to school, I wish I would have placed my camera in my purse. A little note of my everyday- I always carry my camera in my purse because I never know what I may see.

Strolling across the sidewalk in front of me in the distance I saw a very long caterpillar. As I walked closer towards the brown fuzzy caterpillar I realized it was six caterpillars. It was as they were holding hands crossing.

I thought it was amazing and wondered if it is normal for them to walk or crawl like this. Reading up on them I found out they do not have very good vision, they can only see poorly resolved images. They determine the distance of objects by moving their heads from side to side.

It was so lovely, I had never seen anything like it before! Yes, it is the little beauties of nature that make my day whole!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Pizza Night Friday is Here!

One of the first things I realized when I began living in Italy is that I had never actually eaten an actual "Italian Pizza". I remember I was taken aback when I was first served my first pizza in Italy, it certainly was far from the "traditional" Italian pizza I thought I had eaten in New York.

For one thing the dough is completely different, it is actually very thin! No Pan Pizza or Tombstone pizza here!

Some of the most common selections one will find are:

-"Margherita"- which is basically the tomato sauce (Pomodoro), Mozzarella, and origano.
-"Prosciutto e Funghi"- contains pomodoro, mozzarella, cooked ham (prosciutto cotto), and mushroom (funghi).

My favorites are:
- "Tonno e Cipolle"- which contains pomodoro, mozzarella, tuna (tonno), and onion (cipolle)
- "Mezza Luna"- pomodoro, mozzarella, ricotta, prosciutto cotto, pomodorini, and ruccola

And my favorite made at home pizzas:

- Veggie- Pomodoro, mozzarella, zuchinni, and eggplant (melanzana)
- Pomodoro, mozzarella, sausage (salsiccia), and onion (cipolle)

I have realized it is not that difficult to make the dough portion, even though I have still not mastered the ingredient ratios, I can extend the dough pretty nicely without using a rolling-pin, just my two hands.

My husband who is alot more advanced in the kitchen, uses his two hands up in the air, making a perfect round pizza, most of the time better then those found in pizzeria!

Pizza Fridays always gives us something yummy to look forward to at the end of the long week!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Easter Hat!

For Easter week I constructed this felt hat for my son! He just loved the ears which are wired therefore can be shaped however he pleases.

Since my son was home for the holidays, I got a little sidetrack from my work. That's okay because he sure was a cutie for the week of Easter!!

I hope everyone one had a wonderful Easter!

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